
Molly Olguín is a queer writer and educator based in Seattle. She holds a BA in English from Williams College and an MFA in Fiction from The Ohio State University. She currently teaches English and creative writing to high school students.

Her collection The Sea Gives Up The Dead is the winner of the 2023 Grace Paley Prize in Short Fiction, and is forthcoming from Red Hen Press. Her short stories have appeared in Paranoid Tree, Redivider, The Normal School, River Styx, Quarterly West, and others. She was a recipient of the Loft Mentor Series fellowship in 2019. She was awarded the 2015 AWP Intro Awards Prize in Fiction for her short story “The Seven Deaths of The Family Contreras.” With Jackie Hedeman, she is the creator of the queer sci fi audio drama “The Pasithea Powder.”

She loves small cats, crows, and monsters of all kinds.

